What are open educational resources?

Open Educational Resources (OER) – OER are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others.

OER can include full courses/programmes, course materials, modules, student guides, teaching notes, textbooks, research articles, videos, assessment tools and instruments, interactive materials such as simulations and role plays, databases, software, apps (including mobile apps) and any other educationally useful materials.

The term «OER» is not synonymous with online learning, еLearning or mobile learning. Many OER — while shareable in a digital format — are also printable. (UNESCO. Guidelines for open educational resources (OER) in higher education.) 

Creative Commons Licensing

When educational resources are digital and openly licensed under   Creative Commons (СС) licences , they can be shared with everyone for free. Textbooks, courses, and lesson plans become free and easy to find, share, customize, adapt, and combine. With a CC Licence, , students can find and use free materials for reports and presentations, lecturers can customize textbooks and lesson plans, universities can distribute video lectures to a global audience, and publishers (university publishers or libraries) can adapt materials and develop services to enhance the learning experience.

You can learn more about licences here -   types of Creative Commons licenses 

An ENOEL Toolkit: Open Education Benefits. Version 2. (Ukrainian)

It is a set of tools (slides, leaflets, and Twitter cards) prepared by the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL). The toolkit aims to help raise awareness of the importance of Open Education, and it points out benefits for students, teachers, institutions, and society.

Original files in 15 languages in Zenodo

You can download the Ukrainian version by following the link.

When using tools, quote as follows:

European Network of Open Education Librarians. (2022). An ENOEL Toolkit: Open Education Benefits. Version 2. Zenodo (Ukrainian version). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5906818  

Open educational resources in Ukrainian

International open educational resources

Educational online training courses resources

Repository of Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (USUST)